SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 2011
9 AM - 6PM at Timer Powers Park
Indiantown, Florida
RESTORE . REVITALIZE . REBUILD is a 501c3 project
Throughout communities everywhere, it is evident that our young people are still in dyer need of early intervention, unwavering guidance, strong support, and a lasting-positive influence that rises above the norm. COME OUT and JOIN US in this special fundraising event as we "Prepare to Tranform our Community-One Youth at a Time!"
Invite a guest and GET READY FOR A DAY FULL OF Music . Dance . Drama . Food . Raffles . Festivities . Art Auctions . Community Resources . Live Performances by Recording Artists Helen Miller & Michael The Godchild! It is our priviledge to play a role in helping change lives. Your prayers, encouragement and support are greatly appreciated!
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Habitat For Humanity Martin County Indiantown Ministerial Alliance
Helen Miller Music
GodChild Productions Indiantown Community Outreach
Florida Community Health Centers Indiantown Non-Profit Housing Margaret Combs Massage Therapy All volunteers, supporters and community friends! Share this event and STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES!
CONTACT 772.248.1377 for details on how to donate or help with the youth restoration project! |
Program Flyer and Presentation:
About the Program:
Its’ amazing how the smallest change can make the biggest difference. Even in what the world considers one of the worst economic times, the “power of one” remains so great, so powerful.
ONE, as in ‘one purpose’ – endeavoring to meet the need of those considered unreachable, and forever changing the face of the community.
With the ever increasing problems of peer pressure, teen pregnancy, gang violence and drug abuse -- Our youth, the future of our communities, seem to have met their match. If there was ever a need for moving inside one purpose, now would be that time!
With the launching of the R3 Youth Outreach and Rehabilitative Housing Program in Indiantown, Florida – hope is brought to young individuals and families who would otherwise have none. Birthed from the endless efforts of local volunteers and community leaders, such as Senior Pastor Wanda Grooms of Bible Teachers International – the program draws attention to the need for a greater intervention.
In partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Martin County, the Restore-Revitalize-Rebuild Youth Program
(a 501c3 project) will not only provide rehabilitative housing for youth, but will include training and work opportunities, mentorship, a chance to further education and become a productive member of the community. The project also encompasses the opening of a restaurant and thrift store, which will create needed employment.To benefit the program, a fundraiser is being held at the Timer Powers Park in Indiantown, Florida on Saturday, November 19th from 9AM to 6PM.
The event is free and open to the public. Guests are invited to enjoy a variety of activities, foods, music, drama, art auctions and raffles, as well as free concerts by recording artists Michael the GodChild and Helen Miller! Receive a free massage by a licensed therapist, in exchange for a donation towards the program. Free health screenings and other community resources also available on-site.
This program would not be possible without the support and contributions of others. If you are interested in learning more about the project, volunteering, or donating to this cause; please contact the program office at: (772) 248-1377.